At MareCet, we firmly believe science should be used to help inform the decision-making process . To that end, we have, and will continue to, use our own research findings and that of our colleagues worldwide, to effect positive changes in how our marine environment is managed. Since our establishment, MareCet has been actively advocating for improvements within the environmental policy framework at various levels of governance nationally and at relevant platforms internationally.
Our team’s familiarity of the issues plighting the marine environment have enabled us to provide valuable insights to a diverse range of policy instruments ranging from local area management plans to national biodiversity-related policies, to designation of international areas of conservation importance. Our close relationships with stakeholders have provided us with the understanding of the ‘on-the-ground’ issues enabling us to drive a conservation balance between environmental and societal needs.
In recognition of our contributions over the years, our team members have had the honour of being invited to serve in various national and international scientific, conservation, ethics, and other technical committees. We strive to use our position within these committees to help address the marine conservation issues that our society faces today. Our involvements in key policy-related activities include the following:
Joint IUCN-World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force
Society for Marine Mammalogy Ethics Committee
National Marine Mammal Stranding Response Network Taskforce
Policy Consultation and Development
Designation of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) for the North Indian Ocean and South East Asian Seas region
Establishment of Malaysia’s National Marine Mammal Stranding Response Network
Revision of Malaysia’s National Policy on Biological Diversity (2015 – 2025)
Planning for the Establishment of the Johor Dugong Sanctuary
Langkawi Plan 2015 – 2030
Mersing Special Area Plan
Perlis Integrated Shoreline Management Plan